Another technique you can use to market your business is participating in events in your area that your target market may attend. See if you can become a vendor or a sponsor. This is the cheapest route to go until you are able to financially support your own event.
Since starting a business is costly, you should purchase things you need in increments. For instance, when becoming a vendor, you need marketing materials such as business cards, flyers, and brochures. You should also try to purchase other items that advertise your business such as pens, water bottles, and any other things that may appeal to your target market. Some events provide tables and chairs but others don’t. So you should purchase this for the times you need it along with a canopy to block the sun because it get hot in the summer time. You should also purchase items that will attract your prospective customers to your table such as raffles, contests, gifts, food and drinks etc.
The main reason why you should purchase things in advance is because the last event we did was a last minute thing and we spent almost $800 and still didn’t have half the stuff that larger companies were providing.
Once you are in the position to be able to host your own event, make sure you network with other companies that has the same target market as you. So when you attract future clients, they may not need your services at the time but will still attend for the services of the other companies you are networking with.
What apps or techniques do you use to network?
What events are best for your company to attend?
How do you got about setting up your own events?
If you would like to learn more about this topic, please feel free to take our “Is starting a business right for you?” Workshop.